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Indicating desired classes assists in the planning process, even if it only serves to ignite creative juices.  The Family Registration is a commitment promise and by signing this document affirms the family’s commitment to S.T.A.R.S. Home School Co-Op for at least one semester.  Because of the dependence the group has on family volunteers, families must consider their level of commitment.  If the family has doubts as to their commitment to S.T.A.R.S. they should take their concerns to the leader for counsel.


Grace Bible Fellowship Church does not charge S.T.A.R.S. for use of its building. Because of this, the membership fee is kept to a minimal rate to minister to the homeschool community.  As the fee is nominal membership is not pro-rated should a family join or leave mid-year.  However, the fee is increased once the registration period has passes.  The fee amount is discussed and voted on if the leader feels the need during the first summer meeting.  S.T.A.R.S. is a Tithing organization taking 10% of all income to give for God’s glory to GBFC.


S.T.A.R.S. requires its families to proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior, to commit to teaching God’s Word (the Bible) to their children, and to regularly attend the Christian church of their choice. The main teaching parent must have accepted Jesus Christ’s death as the sacrifice for her (or his) sins. It is preferable for both parents to do so, but S.T.A.R.S. does not discriminate against a saved parent with an unsaved spouse as long as the unsaved spouse does not interfere with the God-centered administration and teaching of the S.T.A.R.S. co-op.


The Family Registration form indicates desired classes and availability to teach.  Furthermore, it includes the questionnaire.  This documentation ensures that the beliefs of the co-op are understood and adhered to without undue pressure on the leader in the interviewing process.  Moreover, the registration form provides contact information for the governing body so they can publish a contact sheet for the group.  It also renews the family’s commitment to join S.T.A.R.S. for the next school year.  These forms are due by August 1. 

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